Eugene Langen

Carl Eugene Langen was born on the 9th October, 1833 in Cologne. His parents were teachers, his father became in 1816 a member in the Solinger commercial house Schimmelbusch and Joest. In 1832 the family moved to Cologne. There the father became a partner of the sugar factory Joest and sons, this factory was a daughter's enterprise of the Solinger commercial house. In 1843 the father bought the Friedrich Wilhelm's hut in village Trois.
Eugene Langen went on the higher civil school in Cologne. He studied from 1850: mechanical engineering, chemistry and chemical technology and finished his study without exam. After his study and an one-year-old traveling time Carl Eugene Langen became in 1857 an engineer in the factory of his father. Eugene Langen did many useful inventions for the sugar industry.

From 1862 August Otto worked to long with Nicholaus on the gas engine. Together they founded in 1864 the company N. A. Otto und Co., this was the first engine factory of the world. In 1870 Eugene Langen built the sugar factory Peifer and long with Düren. Eugene Langen was a high-respectable man and had influence on the economy and the industry. In the engineer German to the association he dealt, above all, with the clever legislation, the rail tariffs and with the customs law.

In his last years Eugene Langen dealt with the development of an overhead conveyor for the passenger traffic. Thus he founded in 1894 the " Continentale society for electric enterprises in Nuremberg ".
He built Eugene Langen the personal overhead conveyor from material overhead conveyors in 1865 for his sugar factories had built. This road went on a rail in the cover was fastened.
Carl Eugene Langen died on the 2nd October, 1895, he experienced the construction of the suspension railway no more.

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